Embryo quality refers to the development and health of an embryo after fertilization. The quality of embryos can be affected by various factors, such as the age of the egg and sperm, genetic abnormalities, and environmental conditions during embryo culture. If the embryo's quality is poor, it may not have the necessary ability to implant successfully in the uterine lining.
The endometrium is the lining of the uterus that prepares for implantation. Factors such as endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, or inadequate thickness of the endometrium can hinder embryo implantation. Sometimes hormonal imbalances can also lead to endometrial dysfunction, making it difficult for an embryo to attach and grow.
In some cases, the mother's immune system may mistakenly attack the implanted embryo, leading to rejection. This is known as immunologic infertility. While the exact mechanisms are complex, underlying autoimmune conditions or heightened immune responses can contribute to this issue.
Other factors that can contribute to implantation failure include maternal age, lifestyle choices (smoking, alcohol consumption), previous surgeries or infections, and certain medications.
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